Our long-term goal is to provide a continuous environmental education program at regional level. On the one hand, the Green Szeklerland Association’s Ant School program organizes active programs in different schools, and on the other hand develops professional materials, which can be used in the schools.

Individual competitors
1. Balogh Adrienn (356,29 point) – S. Gheorghe,, Székely Mikó College
2. Elekes Domokos (355,66 point) – Vlăhițta, Mártonffi JánosPrimary School
3. Koncz Beáta (331,6 point) – Mihăileni, Arany János Primary SchoolTeams
1. VI. class (367,54 pont) – Sânpaul, László Gyula Primary School
Barabás Botond, Bencze Attila, Bíró László, Csáka Botond, Csáka Szende, Imre Beáta, Nagy Andrea; vezetőtanár: Kertész Hajnalka
2. Zöldikék (367,09 pont) – Cernat, Bod Péter Primary School
Kész Rita, Bőjte Edit, Lukács Lilla, Rákossy Timea, Ambrus Boglárka, Bajka Zita, Bíró Gyöngyvér; Teacher: Mágori Melinda
3. Vadrózsák (356,61 pont) – Sânpaul, László Gyula Primary School Benő Richárd Dániel, Mezei Kincső Eszter, Vass Melánia; Teacher: Kertész Hajnalka
You can see the complete ranking here.