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Within the Ant School program, the Green Szeklerland Association organized a nature knowledge contest as well. The goal of the contest was to teach students living in the region about our natural treasures in a playful way, and to encourage them to visit natural sites in the area.
While completing the task sheets, the students had the opportunity to get to know birds and learn interesting information about bird species living in their immediate environment. Also, they were asked to collect sayings and proverbs about animals and try to explain the origin of these proverbs and sayings. By solving a crossword puzzle, the students could learn plant names as well. Last but not least, they also had the task to find three treasure boxes during a treasure hunt at the Bogát Chapel, the Szent János Church and the Cibre bath. By putting together the letters found in the treasure boxes, the children could find out the names of rare animal species in the area. The winners of the contest were the Barázdabillegetőkteam (Edina Máté, Kinga Koncz)from AranyJános Primary School in Csíkszentmihály (Mihăileni); the second prize was awarded to the Bari-Bróók team (ÁkosBaróti, ElődIstván) from Csíkszentmiklós (Nicoleşti), and the third prize to the Tulipánok team (Zsófia Fico, Margit Rostás) from Csíkszépvíz (Frumoasa).

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